Pastor Davis McDougald
Helena and I have known Thurlow & Lynda for many years. We’ve always admired their love for each other, but mostly we've admired their love for the Lord. They have blessed our lives in many ways and continue to be a wonderful resource to us personally and to our church.
Pastor Davis McDougald
Antioch Christian Fellowship, Summerville, SC
Pastor Davis McDougald
Antioch Christian Fellowship, Summerville, SC
Pastor Marty Peltz
Thurlow and Lynda have been a blessing in our lives for well over 20 years. In that time they have shown and continue to model the biblical example of an apostle; one who is sent out and serves the congregation. That has been and continues to be our relationship with them. LGM is truly representative of a selfless, Yeshua-focused apostolic ministry.
Pastor Marty and Chi Peltz
Or-HaOlam Congregation, Rockville, MD
Pastor Marty and Chi Peltz
Or-HaOlam Congregation, Rockville, MD
Pastor John Schuch
I praise God for Living Grace Ministries which is under the leadership of Thurlow & Lynda. It is not another denomination or organization but a living cell to bring churches into relationship to minister the five fold gifts. As one of the churches of LGM we have received much more then we have been able to give. Jesus said, “I will build my church” and LGM is helping us to fulfill Jesus’ purpose. Our church is blessed to be backed and supported by this glorious net-work of churches.
Associate Pastor John and Margie Schuch
Crossroads Valley Church, Frederick, MD
Associate Pastor John and Margie Schuch
Crossroads Valley Church, Frederick, MD